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    There are a number of issues with respect to the present day understanding of what constitutes worship and church programming which regular readers of the “This Is the Day†column would recognize as my personal irritations. Among them are the trend toward impersonalization of the Gospel, the…

      Finally, those five weeks of being sick are over, and my life is getting back to normal. Whatever normal is.

        After 2½ weeks of being sick with many days in bed, I have come to appreciate what some people go through when they have a severe sickness. My sickness wasn’t that devastating. It just sucked the energy out of me and caused me a lot of coughing and sneezing.

          Even in reruns, one of my favorite TV sitcoms is Everybody Loves Raymond. Raymond’s parents, Frank and Marie, are constantly nitpicking one another on any subject they can exploit for the sake of arguing. On one episode they actually debated who invented the lawn? The absurdity of the infant…

            Forgive me for beginning this column with a bunch of statistics today, but ever since I was reminded of an unusual historical set of circumstances, my mind has been preoccupied with such numbers.

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